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The energy balancing act: How changing behaviours can save you money and help save the planet 

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Fossil fuels have provided cheap power for decades. They were reliable, and allowed us to match supply to demand, keeping everything in balance. 

But then the climate started changing and we realised that burning coal was harming the Earth. We needed to find new ways to generate energy. So, we began using more renewable energy sources, like solar and wind power, which are better for the planet. 

The challenge with renewable energy, however, is that supply can be unpredictable

On sunny and windy days, there’s too much energy, but on dark and calm evenings, there isn’t enough to go around. When renewable energy sources are not available, we rely on fossil fuels like coal to generate electricity. This undermines the emissions saved during the day and is not sustainable in the long term. 

This is where the concept of energy flexibility comes into play – and it’s something that people with rooftop solar have already mastered. 


Flex with the forecast 

Energy flexibility is quite simple.

When the sun is shining, homeowners with rooftop solar know that their panels are producing a lot of electricity, so they use as much as they can: they run the dishwasher, vacuum the carpets, tackle the growing pile of laundry, and crank up the AC. 

As soon as the sun goes down and their panels stop producing electricity, they do as little as possible to avoid using expensive and dirty electricity from the grid. The result? They pay less for electricity and slash their carbon emissions. 

What many people without rooftop solar don’t realise is that they, too, can reduce their energy bills and emissions simply by changing how and when they use electricity. And in doing so, they can take advantage of other people’s solar panels. 


Shift the balance of power 

Until now, the switch to renewable energy has mostly been driven by the existing energy industry, which keeps rehashing old ideas. But if we, the consumers, don’t change how we use energy to match renewable sources, we’ll never be able to afford to switch off coal. We need to take control of our own energy future. 

Households in Australia account for 40% of total emissions, and the average gas and petrol home emits 9.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent in emissions every year. That’s a lot of emissions that we can control. 

Depending on your energy plan, you can save money and reduce your carbon footprint if you ramp up your energy-intensive operations when the sun is shining, and the wind is blowing – no solar panels required. That’s because renewable energy is cheaper than traditional grid power (and sometimes even free), and some retailers pass these savings on to their customers. It’s a win-win for you and the environment. 

So, how do you navigate this energy balancing act? With the EnergyFlex.


Let’s get you Renewables Ready 

EnergyFlex uses an advanced algorithm to analyse data from your smart meter and determine how your current energy use impacts the grid. It can identify hidden flexibility in your behaviours and calculate the value of that flexibility in terms of cost savings and carbon emissions reductions

The algorithm provides you with an EnergyFlex Rating – a score from 0 to 5 – that reflects how well your electricity use aligns with the energy grid and helps you understand the connection between your energy use, costs, and environmental impact. 

A low score suggests that most of your electricity comes from fossil fuels; a high score indicates that most of your electricity comes from renewable sources. 

With this information, you can make informed decisions about optimising your energy consumption to become energy-smart and improve your EnergyFlex Rating. 

This is how you become Renewables Ready. By taking control of your energy use, you can save money, reduce your footprint, and help to balance the grid. 

We all have the power to contribute to a greener future. Embracing energy flexibility and using tools like EnergyFlex can help you navigate the changing energy landscape while reaping the benefits of cost savings and environmental stewardship. 

And the best part? It’s free for household users. 

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